We have helped thousands of applicants over the past 25 years to succeed.
You can be next when airlines resume hiring. Read the following carefully.
Corona-virus is still with us and kills people with a vengeance.
A new strain is out.
It may be still with us for a long time.
It has influenced our lives, including the outcome of our Presidential elections.
Things will get much worse before they get better.
But ...
You are still alive! And the fact that you have logged on this website means that you still have your dream deep inside your heart.
Best Airline Career and Interview Guides
you can find!
Each over 210 pages, illustrated with tons of photos
Each only
U.S. $24.95
plus shipping
or (if ordered at the same time) both for
U.S. $44.95
plus shipping.
Make out your personal check or money order to
and mail it to
Tom Janovsky
17241 Bullock Street
Encino, CA 991316-1437, USA
or send the correct amount by
tom janovsky@yahoo.com
Dealer and school inquiries welcome.
Numbers from Los Angeles County, as of
January 15, 2022:
L.A. County:
On 12/29/21 there were 16,510 new cases in a single day, almost double from the day before;
On 1/15/22 there were almost 48,000 cases in a single day.
Over 4,500 people with Covid are hospitalized.
46 new deaths reported for a single day on average.
When considering a career as a flight attendant, keep in mind that the profession has changed a great deal. Discard the glamour of the profession; and realize that in order to make the career rewarding, you have to put a lot of honest effort in it. Is it rewarding? Judging from the dedication on the photo on the left, it is - more than enough. It's more a question if you are up to it
(Both of these pictures and the history of the ladies will be in our aviation museum).
Double click here to add text.
In hindsight, flying this holiday season was not a great idea. Covid is rampant and the weather does not cooperate, resulting in a high number of cancellations. Los Angeles (LAX), which expected some 3.5 million travelers during the entire holidays season, has been hit less than some other airports, but problems at LAX have rippled across the country. On December 25 some 96 flights were cancelled; on December 26 more than 119 flights were cancelled at LAX. And more than 1,000 flights were scrubbed nation-wide. The reasons: Bad weather and sick calls by airline personnel.
My initial writings on Covid 19 were written from the premise that it may come and go within a few months, like some other bad stuff in the past – 9/11, SARS and the other infections that followed. But we all know now that Covid 19 is different. The worst part is not perhaps that pretty soon we may not be able to travel by air again for a while, but that a huge number of small businesses will fold. U.S. economy is relying on the prosperity of small businesses – if we do not have them, our entire economy will go down the drain. We have seen the preview of things to come when store shelves all of a sudden were mostly empty.
Airlines come across as huge enterprises, but only people who have been associated with them know that the margin of profit is usually small. The last few days at Los Angeles International Airport have been “telling” how brittle the industry is. It has been recently caving in because of the new varieties of the virus and shortage of workers – and not just flight attendants and pilots – at most airlines; on top of that, we have got awful weather in different parts of the country which leads to additional cancellations.
Airlines are short-staffed and will have no other choice but start hiring new personnel. But is it wise to jump on the wagon now and apply? You be the judge.
Ed Bastian, CEO, Delta Air Lines, said on January 13, 2022 in a conference call that “the worst is behind us.” He expects only two more months of this raging Covid and then everything will go slowly to pre-Covid levels. Scott Kirby, CEO, United Airlines, echoed this opinion. On January 14 I was informed that participants in a conference call on the other side of the country – at University of California in Los Angeles – together with specialists from the Veterans Hospital in L.A., had a different opinion. They expect that a new strain will pop up in 6 – 8 weeks. No one ventured to guess how bad it may be, or if it is going to be just another Covid or a brand new virus.
Is it a smoke screen to protect airline stocks,
or just a wishful thinking?
Mr. Bastian is not a medically trained person, so one would wonder how he arrived at the conclusion that we get rid of the virus. He certainly sounds almost overly optimistic considering that U.S. airlines had to scrub over 30,000 flights from Christmas Eve to January 11, which was deemed officially the end of the holiday “rush.” He needs to consider that some 8,000 Delta employees have had Covid 19, not all of them are vaccinated yet and breakthrough infections have become reality. When Mr. Bastian was asked why he expected bookings, flying and schedules to be near normal in almost 60 days from now, he cited an up-beat trend in flight bookings by would-be passengers for the first half of 2022.
It was this anticipation of full flights later in 2022 that made Mr. Bastian ask the Center for the Disease control to shorten quarantine for asymptomatic employees from 10 days to 5, and that request was granted. A similar ruling applies now for medical personnel, despite nurses’ and physicians’ opposition.
I understand Mr. Bastian’s sense of urgency to get things going, but it may not be in the best interest of the airline personnel or passengers. He should read the headlines in papers from the North-East and West. In L.A. County alone we havehad close to 45,000 new Covid cases every day for the past 12 days, around 47 people die from Covid every day, and ICUs are full. Medical employees are getting scarce, and National Guard has been called in by several state governments to fill the shoes of sick doctors, nurses, LVNs, nursing assistants and clerical personnel.
Incidentally, it came out that the price of aviation fuel is around $2.10/gallon. Why do we pay - at least here in California – over $5/gallon at the pump to fill our cars? Especially when a barrel of crude is only around $80? The last time a barrel cost that much we paid around $2.50/gallon at the pump.
Since the summer schedules for airlines are based on last year’s numbers and are quite ambitious, if Mr. Sebastian is right, airlines will need a lot of people to staff the pilot and flight attendant positions. Since nothing is as sure as change, airlines also should hire more customer service personnel, because today’s airport staffing is grossly inadequate.
to get
is now!
they help.
You need to do two things: One, get all your stuff together and ready for submission when you apply; and, two: check your favorite airlines’ websites daily in the morning and in the evening, just in case the hiring “window” opens.” It might, as airlines already operate short-staffed.
You need:
To have a clear idea what airline you wish to work for (i.e. major airline vs. a commuter/feeder airline)
Your resume going back at least 10 years
Your list of residencies in the last 10 years
2 character references from previous employers or co-workers
2 more references for periods of unemployment
Be ready for all interviews (there may be as many as 3, or even 4 interviews)
Be financially ready, because it is unlikely that airlines will be paying much for your training time (if anything)
If you are in a relationship, make sure your partner is ready for this huge change
and last but not least
Be ready for another calamity like we had with Covid-19, and be ready for a lay-off.
The sad fact is that first it has to “stimulate” the interest of the computer that scans your resume. That’s why key words are so important. They “feed” the computer. It is only after the computer flags your resume as worthy to be looked at that a live person will give it the proverbial 5-10 seconds and will look at it. But don’t cram your resume with clichés or phrases – it may work against you. It goes then to the recruiters.
You need to realize that recruiters are only people, who more often than not have only a high school diploma under their belt. While some honestly look for hiring a high quality individual, others are worried that the new hire might be after their job and see the person as a potential threat, a competitor for their job. That’s the human nature. Your goal is to get it to the hiring managers, if your airline has them. And that’s what counts.
So, aside from using key words, you need to go straight to the point and show your worth. The hiring managers (or their equivalent) will not spend a lot of time on your resume after they have found enough to want to see you. And then it ends up in the proverbial “File 19” or you may get an invitation to the video interview. Because it is a significant step, it is something you should look at very seriously and I discuss this in a great detail in both of my books.
It is also important to realize that the clock starts ticking not when you find out that an airline is hiring, but when the vacancy is posted. Typically, airlines post vacancies with a “window” and the further you get down the window, the longer it takes to get your interview. You have to realize that the interviewing process (usually on-line) begins almost immediately and there might be internal candidates (like myself years ago) who might get the first shot at the position. That means that applications that come at the end of the widow may be handicapped.
Many times it has happened that the invitation to apply has a very short window (just a few hours) and then it is closed. At times it may also close earlier when a pre-determined quota by the airline is reached.
And a new “attention-getting tool” popped up recently that recruiters like to see: If you are fully vaccinated, mention it in your resume. It will help you, and the recruiter will not have to try to figure out how to ask about it without being accused of trying to “discriminate.”
Having questions?
Please e-mail me at tomjanovsky@yahoo.com.
Both books are completely up to date, including an additional booklet covering aviation and hiring/firing during Covid.
In addition to these books you will get unlimited consults via e-mails from before your interviews to flying as an actual flight attendant.
You also get mock interviews before you actually start interviewing so I can "weed out" things that you should omit and stress things that you need to show.
I will be here for you also during your training if you run into any difficulties and need to talk to someone impartial about it.